Tourism normally means site seeing, but what is food tourism?  The concept of traveling to taste food is increasing day by day. By definition food, tourism means traveling to a new destination to taste different varieties of food. Food tourists are those who travel abroad or within their country for the sole purpose of tasting different foods. India too has such food tourist.

There is no limit to the variety of food available in India. But the food tourists mostly prefer south India as their destination, because south India has one best spicy food in the world. Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu is one of those food tourist sites where you can enjoy Chettinadu variety of foods by staying at Hotels in Kanyakumari near beach.

You need not always travel to another country or state to do food tourism. If you travel to a new neighborhood to eat out or try out special restaurant then you are food traveler. Today economic condition of middle-class people is increasing, so it is natural for more people to try out new things. Food tourism is one of those things we all must give a try in our lifetime.

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